Recent footage of aboriginal boys being mistreated at an Australian juvenile detention centre provoked worldwide condemnation and prompted calls both within and outside the country for a full investigation into the misconduct.
The graphic images showed six aboriginal boys at the Don Dale detention centre in the Northern Territory being physically restrained, assaulted and teargassed by guards in a style akin to the notorious methods used in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq
Released on Aug 11, 2016
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Anti-Torture Initiative (ATI) express great concern and condemnation for the decision by the Brazilian government to severely limit the work of Brazil’s National Preventive Mechanism (NPM), dangerously reducing protections for individuals deprived of their liberty.
A Instituto de Direitos Humanos da Associação Internacional de Advogados (“IBAHRI”) e o Iniciativa Anti-tortura (“ATI”) expressam grande preocupação e condenam a decisão do Governo brasileiro de estabelecer severas limitações ao trabalho do Mecanismo Nacional de Prevenção e Combate à Tortura (“Mecanismo Nacional”). A medida representa uma perigosa redução da proteção dos indivíduos privados de liberdade.
News release, Tuesday 12 November 2018. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has released a video on torture prevention in Brazil in which local stakeholders and international experts provide opinion about the historical background of torture in the country, and the current challenges for its prevention and prosecution. The video also illustrates how the work of the IBAHRI is contributing to strengthening Brazil’s capacity to uphold its national and international commitment
News release, Tuesday 12 November 2018. O Instituto de Direitos Humanos da International Bar Association (IBAHRI) divulgou um vídeo sobre prevenção à tortura no Brasil no qual atores interessados locais e especialistas internacionais opinam sobre o histórico da tortura no país e os desafios atuais para sua prevenção e persecução penal. O vídeo também ilustra como o trabalho do IBAHRI está contribuindo para fortalecer a capacidade de o Brasil defender seu compromisso tanto nacional como internacional com a
IBA Global Insight, Aug/Sept 2016 - Recent polling in America and references by presidential candidates have put the murky issue of torture firmly back on the agenda. A pioneering project being undertaken by Harvard University’s Carr Centre for Human Rights Policy and the IBA is examining the impact of US torture policies on relations with the UK