12th Annual London Finance and Capital Markets Conference

16 Jan - 17 Jan 2023 One Great George Street, London, England

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A conference presented by the IBA Taxation Section.

The IBA is delighted to announce that the 12th Annual London Finance and Capital Markets Conference will take place on 16 - 17 January 2023 at One Great George Street in London, England.

We have an exciting programme, featuring highly regarded professional, top government and leading industry speakers. We’ve had over 250 attendees for the last four years and are looking forward to another sold-out conference. Comments from previous conferences include 'a great opportunity to discuss technical tax questions with tax colleagues worldwide' and 'truly a practitioner’s conference: practical and highly topical insights in key development'. The full programme with topic points and speakers will be released soon.

Topics include:

  • Global financing update, including securitisations, hybrid debt and distressed investments and hard times
  • Future of holding companies and a fresh look at substance
  • EU developments (ATAD, Unshell, DEBRA and tax enablers), tax evasion and aggressive tax planning, DAC 6&7 reporting requirements, state aid and low corporate tax rates in Ireland, UK and Hungary
  • Permanent establishments and movement of people
  • Cross-border M&A tips, traps and pitfalls
  • Trends in private equity and venture capital
  • Pillar 2 implementation
  • Transfer pricing update, including APA Practice - Trends and experience - Demand for certainty and impact on digital collection and sale of data
  • Cryptocurrency - New developments and compliance
  • Tax litigation trends
  • Tax directors’ panel


Important Dates


Delegate search

Delegate search tool becomes available. Please sign in to access this function.


Early bird deadline

Book by this date to receive early bird discounts.


Cancellation deadline

Cancellations are subject to an admin charge as stated in the conference programme. After this date, no refunds can be made.


Online registration deadline

Registration may still be possible after this date via the IBA office, but is subject to availability. Please contact for further information.


Online amendment deadline

No further amendments can be made to your booking after this date. Please contact for further information.

Online registrations received:

  Until 11 January

IBA member




Young lawyers (under 30 years)


Academics / judges (full-time)


Public lawyers


Corporate counsel**


After 11 January Registrations must be received in hard copy at the IBA office

Hard copy registration forms and fees received:

  After 9 December

IBA member




Young lawyers (under 30 years)


Academics / judges (full-time)


Public lawyers


Corporate counsel**


* By paying the non-member fee, we welcome you as a delegate member of the IBA for the year in which this conference is held, which entitles you to the following benefits:

  • Password access to certain parts of the IBA website.
  • Receipt of IBA E-news and access to online versions of IBA Global Insight.
  • Pay the member rate

** A reduced rate is offered to IBA Corporate Group Members. Please register online to obtain a 25 per cent discount on the IBA Member fee

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Associate conference sponsor
Conference dinner sponsor
Conference refreshment break sponsor
Conference Supporter
ADIT logo
IFA logo
Cancellation of registration or social functions

If cancellation is received in writing at the IBA office by 3 January 2023, fees will be refunded less a 25 per cent administration charge. Refunds will be made minus any monies owed to the IBA.
We regret that no refunds can be made after this date. Registrations or social function bookings received after 3 January will not be eligible for any refund of fees.

Should you have difficulties in obtaining your visa and are not able to attend the Conference this cancellation policy will still apply.

Upon submission of your completed Conference registration form to the IBA you are considered registered pending payment. Please note that the cancellation terms and conditions as indicated will apply as soon as your registration is received.

Provided you have cancelled your registration to attend an IBA Conference in accordance with the terms of the cancellation of registration clause included in the Information section of the relevant Conference programme, you must then confirm to us in writing at the IBA office as soon as possible, but in no event later than one year (12 calendar months) from the date of any such Conference, all necessary details to enable any reimbursement owed to you to be paid. We regret that no refunds will be made after the date that is one year (12 calendar months) after the date of the relevant Conference.

Speaker opportunities

If you would like to be considered as a potential speaker at this specialist conference then please contact the relevant Chair/Co-Chairs in the IBA Taxes Committee with your request; please send your bio together with information on your qualification and expertise on the topic.