
3rd Annual Investing in Africa Conference

22 Jun - 23 Jun 2017

Session information

Opportunities and challenges for investors, and how advisors can assist


European Regional Forum (Lead)
North American Regional Forum Advisory Board (Lead)
African Regional Forum
Banking & Financial Law Committee
Mining Law Committee
Oil and Gas Law Committee
Power Law Committee


This panel will be composed of current and potential investors in Africa, who will offer insight on how lawyers may best advise corporate clients seeking opportunities in African investment. What are the key issues that investors consider in determining whether and how to invest in Africa, and how can advisers and counsellors help them navigate the complex investment landscape? Panellists will discuss the most significant financial and legal risks to new investments in Africa and how those risks differ by region and sector. The panel will explore the sectors presenting the greatest opportunity for investment in the near-term as well as forecast the sectors that will emerge as promising targets of investment in the future. Panellists will also share what investors should look for in their legal counsel and what to expect from Africa-focused counsellors both within and without the African legal market