15th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption

13 Jun - 14 Jun 2017

Session information

Session five: Corruption at a human level: Sextortion trafficking, bribery and the business supply chain


Anti-Corruption Committee (Lead)


This panel will focus on concrete examples around the globe, with an emphasis on the real-world impact of corruption in people’s lives. The IBA’s two key 2016 reports, one on judicial corruption and the second tracing the links between human trafficking and corruption, both highlighted damage to the rule of law. Corruption has consequences, including the erosion of trust in legal systems. Panellists will provide insight into cases: judges demanding sex in exchange for positive rulings, traffickers paying bribes to stymie criminal investigations, supply chains tainted with bribery to thwart enforcement of local labour laws. The panel will also address legal remedies for victims around the globe. Panellists will address the questions of how corruption happens on the ground, how it can be stopped, and, most importantly, how victims can find justice.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Martina Vandenberg The Human Trafficking Legal Center, Washington, District of Columbia, USA


Alexandra Habershon The World Bank, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Kath Hall null, Other City, Australian Capital Territory, Australia; Chair, Drivers of Corruption Subcommittee