Global Professional Ethics Symposium - challenges and opportunities of the new normal for ethics in the legal profession

16 Jun - 17 Jun 2022

Session information

Covid and the last two years: practitioner opportunities and lessons learnt from around the world


The pandemic caused lawyers from all over the world to suddenly adapt their way of doing business, but more than that to face new solutions for organising the work and keep together their internal structure. What are the lessons learned so far in relevant jurisdictions? A panel of distinguished senior practitioners of around the world will discuss the impact of Covid -19 has on the so called ‘new normal’ and the way forward, impacted also by the new geopolitical challenges.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Carlo Pavesio Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi, Turin, Italy; Website Officer, Professional Ethics Committee


Iain Miller Kingsley Napley, London, England; Scholarship Officer, Professional Ethics Committee
Rosario Zaccà Gianni Origoni, Milan, Italy