
4th Asia-based International Financial Law Conference

29 Mar - 31 Mar 2023

Session information

Session six: Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment


Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment has gained momentum around the world and the trend is moving towards Asia, particularly in Japan since the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) signed the Principles of Responsible Investments (PRI) in 2015. The International Capital Market Association has led green, social and sustainability bonds sector in capital markets and, in terms of banking sector, the Loan Market Association, the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association and the Loan Syndications and Trading Association have recently published Green Loan Principles and Sustainability Linked Loan Principles.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Wataru Higuchi Anderson Mori & Tomotsune, Tokyo, Japan
Sean Muggah Borden Ladner Gervais, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Tim Gordon Gilbert + Tobin, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Young Lawyers' Committee Liaison Officer, Securities Law Committee
Eiichiro Hata Atsumi & Sakai, Tokyo, Japan
Reiko Hayashi BofA Securities Japan, Tokyo, Japan
Xue Wang Allen & Overy, Tokyo, Japan