
Technology Resources for Arbitration Practitioners - Virtual reality and augmented reality

Virtual reality (VR) and/or augmented reality (AR) are relatively new to the market and are yet to make significant inroads into international arbitration. VR technology allows the creation of immersive virtual environments (IVE), which are artificial, interactive, computer-created scenes combining high-resolution projections and 3D computer graphics that give the user the experience of being present in a virtual environment.

AR technology, on the other hand, creates a composite view by superimposing a computer-generated graphic onto the user’s view of the real world. The potential applications to international arbitration are many, including, for example, the ability to bring the tribunal on a virtual ‘visit’ of a construction, industrial or mining site, or demonstrate through augmentation how a different approach might have altered the effects of environmental contamination. The following vendors and programs offer VR and AR technology:

Disclaimer: Due to the very nature and dynamics of the subject of this guide, the examples should not be considered exhaustive, and merely represent a sample of the potential applications available. There are numerous other vendors that provide similar services and products to the ones described, and the presence of any particular vendor or product in this guide does not reflect any qualitative judgment about the suitability or capability of that vendor or product. The goal is to periodically update and edit the guide to reflect new technological advances, and add new or delete obsolete, applications, programs or vendors. The IBA Arb40 Subcommittee does not endorse or recommend any particular technology, vendor, software or program listed below, nor can it vouch for the security, cost or appropriateness of any of the listed technology, which must be assessed by practitioners on a case-by-case basis. The descriptions of particular programs, software and vendors were not provided by the vendors themselves, and the IBA Arb40 Subcommittee takes no responsibility for errors in those descriptions. All technology should be thoroughly explored and vetted by the arbitration practitioner prior to use.