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Monday 16 September (1930 - 2230)

Media Law Committee (Lead)

Monday 16 September (2000 - 2300)

Capital Markets Forum (Lead)

Monday 16 September (2000 - 2300)

LGBTQI+ Law Committee (Lead)

Social event sponsors

Monday 16 September (2030 - 2330)

Environment, Health and Safety Law Committee (Lead)
Mining Law Committee (Lead)
Water Law Committee (Lead)

Monday 16 September (2030 - 2330)

Leisure Industries Section (Lead)

Tuesday 17 September (0800 - 0930)

Session details

Join us for a Business Human Rights Committee breakfast meeting, supported by the Anti-Corruption Committee, to discuss the increasing connectivity between human rights, anti-corruption, the environment, and other legal practice areas.

Our lead speakers will provide initial insights, followed by an open roundtable discussion where participants can share their thoughts and experiences.

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Anti-Corruption Committee
Business Human Rights Committee (Lead)

Tuesday 17 September (0800 - 0930)

Session details

A breakfast meeting of the IBA Family Law Committee will take place to discuss matters of interest and future activities, as well as to provide updates on the activities of the Committee.

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Family Law Committee (Lead)

Tuesday 17 September (0800 - 0930)

Session details

Please note that this breakfast is not a ticketed event, and will be open to registered delegates on a first-come, first-serve basis.

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Litigation Committee (Lead)

Tuesday 17 September (0800 - 0930)

Session details

Topic: The rule of law. A fundamental in the economic development of the countries

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Event hosted by

Tuesday 17 September (0900 - 1100)

Tuesday 17 September (0900 - 1300)

Aviation Law Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Tuesday 17 September (0900 - 1300)

Session details

Delegates will be greeted by Ernesto García Tapia (Aeromexico Formación Director) and by Enrique Roman Chavez, Legal and Compliance Director.  During the visit, delegates will learn more about Aeromexico, Mexico’s main airline and visit the crew training facilities and learn about the crew training process. 

Located at Av. Tahel, Colonia Pensador Mexicano, Alcaldía Venustiano Carranza, C.P. 15620, Ciudad de México.

Spaces are limited and are assigned on a first come first served basis. Registered conference delegates can register at the speaker registration desk and online during the annual conference.

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Aviation Law Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Tuesday 17 September (0915 - 1045)

Session details

Lawyers’ work touches almost every aspect of citizens’ lives. The legal profession plays an important role in upholding the rule of law, the laws of the land , seeking to limit Government excesses and defending freedom of speech . All essential elements in a strong democracy. Unfortunately, the value of the rule of law and  of lawyers’ work is invisible and too often goes unnoticed. To remedy this situation, the IBA launched in June a landmark report giving visibility by measuring  for the first time, in a comprehensive manner, the positive social and economic impact of the legal profession and of the Rule of Law. The report has also identified areas for improvement. 

This Presidential session will offer an open debate about the role of lawyers and our contribution to society. The session will start with a short presentation by McKinsey of the main findings of the report followed by a conversation amongst the speakers and the audience, who may participate in the discussion with comments and questions. 

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Tuesday 17 September (1000 - 1300)

Anti-Corruption Committee
Asset Recovery Committee
Business Crime Committee
Criminal Law Committee
Criminal Law Section (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Tuesday 17 September (1015 - 1600)

Insurance Committee (Lead)
Maritime and Transport Law Committee (Lead)

Tuesday 17 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

Latin American countries have seen a sustained increase of investments from countries who traditionally were not focused on the region. Over the last decade, China has had prominence in new investments in several industries and more recently, we have seen a surge of investments from Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. This panel will explore the main interests of investors from these jurisdictions and their short and long-term view of investment prospects, as well as principal considerations for choosing certain host jurisdictions over the others.

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Latin American Regional Forum (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Tuesday 17 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

As more jurisdictions across the western hemisphere continue to adopt the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency and to refine the law as implemented, one thing is clear: insolvency tools and remedies are indispensable in many cross-border civil asset recovery cases. This session will update the work of the UNCITRAL Working Group V as related to insolvency and civil asset tracing and recovery tools, while canvassing the availability and practical application of insolvency tools and remedies in the Americas.

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Asset Recovery Committee
Insolvency Section (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Tuesday 17 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

The session will take stock of the developments made in cross-border legal practice up to now, reviewing the jurisdictions having opened their legal services market to the practice of foreign lawyers and law firms and assessing what the experience has been. The session will also discuss the rising challenges to globalisation (eg, sanctions, decoupling and de-dollarisation) and the impact, if any, on trade in legal services.

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African Regional Forum
Arab Regional Forum
BIC International Trade in Legal Services Committee (Lead)
Bar Issues Commission

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Tuesday 17 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

Businesses are at the core of the creation of family weath. How can the family successfully plan for the best development of the business and wealth while keeping an efficient control for the sake of all family members?

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Closely Held Companies Committee
Private Client Tax Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Tuesday 17 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

Climate change requires critical actions in order to transform the world's energy systems, e.g. transitioning to clean energy sources (wind parks, solar panels etc.). Around the world, complex legal questions arise when it comes to financing this transition. The panel will navigate through issues such as how hybrid projects minimise risks, how to early secure land, how to establish pricing models, monitor risk constellations, and the role of IFIs, the EIB and similar bodies, etc.

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Banking & Financial Law Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)