Conference programme
Conference homeSearch programme
Tuesday 17 September (1430 - 1545)
Session details
Disputes over the division and recovery of assets are commonplace in litigations, particularly upon death and divorce. In the case of luxury and eclectic assets, those disputes are even more complicated. This session will cover the complicated issues involved in the division and recovery of such assets depending upon whether such assets are:
• divisible, indivisible or hard to divide;
• moveable or immovable;
• appreciating, wasting or static.
This will include assets such as boats, planes, spaceships, real estate, oil and gas interests, crypto currencies, NFT’s, art (collections), jewelry (collections), and wine (collections).
Family Law Committee (Lead)
Private Client Tax Committee
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1430 - 1545)
Session details
Why, really, is judicial independence so important? And what actions or non-actions from the judiciary are viewed by some countries as evidencing a lack of independence? What countries struggle with judicial independence? What advice can a neutral source provide to those countries to make changes if changes would be helpful? This interesting panel of judges and lawyers from a variety of countries will look at some tough issues and talk through the challenges to achieve judicial independence and the value it can provide to individuals, the business sector, and government.
Litigation Committee (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1430 - 1545)
Session details
The panel session will cover two areas: the productivity gains that can be made in law firms by encouraging LGBTQI+ lawyers to bring their ‘whole selves’ to work; and the increasing requirements from corporate clients to show LGBTQI+ diversity in law firm pitches and client coverage teams.
LGBTQI+ Law Committee (Lead)
Law Firm Management Committee
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1430 - 1545)
Session details
This panel will involve a discussion around the pros and cons of using a variety of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms as opposed to court proceedings for addressing intellectual property (IP) disputes, in particular patents, copyright and trademark infringements.
Arbitration Committee
Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee (Lead)
Judges' Forum
Mediation Committee
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1430 - 1545)
Session details
In recent times, there is a trend where economic agents are moving their production closer to their consumers with the idea of making supply chains much more regional rather than global. Nearshoring, economists call this. Why and how is this happening? Indeed, COVID-19 revealed weakness in having distant suppliers, but trade policy and measures, such as free trade agreements, “industrial policy”, trade remedies, sanctions, among other reasons have been playing a key part in the supply chain relocation phenomenon.
In this panel, we will explore how these government policies are impacting or should impact when deciding to nearshore.
International Trade and Customs Law Committee (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1430 - 1545)
Session details
Will the ability to “travel” via the Metaverse to anywhere on the planet at any time, instantly experiencing everything first-hand and in real-time, completely change our relationship with travel? Will AI upend the business of leisure industries clients by altering how business is conducted and how people travel? Will biometric technology and contactless payments make travel seamless or will we be subject to unyielding privacy and cyber risks when we cross borders in the future? What other new technologies will change how we travel?
The session will address the various legal issues in relation to the new technologies as they affect leisure industry clients, involving the fields of antitrust, data and consumer privacy, intellectual property, real estate and financial regulatory compliance.
Leisure Industries Section (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
In-depth discussion of the FTX Insolvency. Creditor’s rights and asset tracing issues. The panel will consist of professionals with first-hand knowledge about this restructuring.
Insolvency Section (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
There are as many ways of dealing with conflict as there are forms of conflict. Some choose to litigate as a means of resolving a conflict, others deal with conflict by taking up arms. Can you and should you seek to pursue commercial relationships and negotiate with an adversary? During, and even after, armed conflicts end trust is eroded and motives are questioned. Should parties engaged in commercial ventures try to negotiate in this dynamic, can mediation provide any answers? And what role does culture play in understanding these issues?
Mediation Committee (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
The trade and investment activities between China and the Americas, especially the Latin Americas, have experienced obvious changes in the past two years following COVID-19. Along with the ongoing tensions between China and the United States, China has been keeping its investments in and expanding its trade with the Latin Americas. Investments in natural resources in the region and trade with agricultural and mineral goods have lasted for years and continue to grow. However, all these activities have been affected by global factors such as the climate crisis, nationalism, and world economic decline among others.
Can the economic relationship between the Americas and China continue to retain their strength or have they been weakened?
Is there a basic rule underlying all laws and regulations of trade and investment which can help in shaping a harmonious relationship between human beings and nature as well as between countries? Just like the Chinese old textbook, Dao De Jing quotes: “Dao models itself after nature”. It may be the answer to the question.
This session will provide a broader picture from a global perspective on the new trends of China’s outbound investment into the Americas and recent development in law and regulations in trade, FDI and antitrust, trying to provide a vivid vision to the audience which goes beyond the specific legal issues in specialised legal areas.
The discussion will focus on changes to China’s investment in the Americas, the challenges that Chinese investors face in the local community and the reasons behind such changes and development. In addition, recent cases will be studied during the discussion.
Through a review of recent investment activities and case studies, the session will bring a new perspective on the future of China investment into the Americas to the audience.
The experts from China and the Americas will be invited to participate in the discussion.
Asia Pacific Regional Forum (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
The panel will analyse causes and consequences of recent banks and crypto-currency exchanges failures.
Banking & Financial Law Committee
Business Crime Committee
Criminal Law Committee (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
Women law firm leaders from around the globe will discuss their road to leadership, successes, failures and effective ways that lawyers and law firms can create pathways to management and rainmaking.
Women Lawyers' Committee (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
The session will explore corporate and project finance in Latin America and the Global South through a lens of environmental, social and governance (ESG) legal frameworks that mitigate risk while creating a positive global impact within corporate value chains. We will discuss how to best guide our clients in being profitable while staying on the side of the law, reporting authentically and doing some good in the world.
Business Human Rights Committee (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
The session will review and give insights on how and where to structure wealth, taking into account the specificities and objectives of Latin American families.
Private Client Tax Committee (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
The session focuses on the holistic view of the supply chain of ‘green’ products, in particular energy, but also mechanical, chemical and electronical products.
It will be addressed how, and to what extent, certain model clauses in contracts in the supply chain can provide protection against liability risks.
It will be further discussed how current risk of environmental litigation can be mitigated.
Environment, Health and Safety Law Committee
Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Committee
International Commerce and Distribution Committee (Lead)
Product Law and Advertising Committee
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
Small and medium-sized firms require strong and capable leadership to succeed. Very often the managing or senior partner will have a disproportionately large effect on culture, direction and performance in a smaller firm. These are issues that are now more important than ever. Leaders have distinct challenges in smaller firms. Very often they will be required to maintain or develop a client practice. They often do not have as much time to devote to management as they wish or should. They will be required to maintain, manage and coordinate the client practice. They also then need to manage and lead the firm, dealing with issues such as development of lawyers, firm culture and performance, business development and so on. This session will allow law firm leaders to reflect on panellists’ practical experiences, considering what skills and attributes are required to lead the smaller law firm as well as how to develop them.
This session should be practically helpful for all current and future law firm leaders in small and medium law firms. It should also be of assistance to those considering starting their own law firm.
Latin American Regional Forum
Law Firm Management Committee (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
Every year, millions of hours of legal and professional services are donated to serve indigent clients. Measuring the impact of these hours may result in better data around client impact trends, provide better value to pro bono stakeholders by assisting law firms in better understanding and tailoring the resourcing of their programmes – and it may add value to the broader access to justice ecosystem.
Pro Bono Committee (Lead)
Senior Lawyers' Committee
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
This panel will discuss the challenges mining companies face around the world as a consequence of increasing political instability and competing strategic interests among different jurisdictions worldwide.
Mining Law Committee (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
One of the core pillars of democracy and the rule of law is the separation of powers. Around the world, one branch – the judiciary – is under increased pressure. While the independence of the judiciary has been a long-understood concept, perhaps less attention has been paid to the independence of the legislature. As executive branches around the world increasingly need to act quickly, and look to justify actions under law, the tension between who makes the law, who has what mandate to act and who provides the check on legality becomes more urgent. This panel discusses this issue in the context of the role of lawyers and bar associations.
Bar Issues Commission (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
In today’s globalised world, businesses and legal professionals often find themselves navigating complex legal landscapes across multiple jurisdictions. Join us for an illuminating session that delves into the nuances and strategies of presenting effective pitches in diverse legal environments. Whether you’re an international law practitioner, a global business leader or a legal enthusiast, this discussion is a must-attend event.
African Regional Forum
Asia Pacific Regional Forum
European Regional Forum
Latin American Regional Forum
Young Lawyers' Committee (Lead)
Session/Workshop Chair(s)
Tuesday 17 September (1615 - 1730)
Session details
The plight of children and unaccompanied minors in refugee movements remains one of the greatest concerns of the contemporary period. This panel will review the refugee landscape in 2024, with a focus on the treatment of children and unaccompanied minors.
Family Law Committee
Immigration and Nationality Law Committee (Lead)