
Tag results for '2017'

IBAHRI launches its first mentorship programme in Azerbaijan

In the first of its kind for the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), the organisation paired senior and junior lawyers from Azerbaijan with the hope of inspiring a new generation of human rights lawyers and addressing the lack of advocates in the country.

Released on Dec 31, 2017

UN UPR shadow report on Azerbaijan submitted by the IBAHRI

In the report, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) raises concerns about the low number of practicing lawyers in the country, which has a detriment effect for access to justice for all, and highlights the issue of the lack of independence of the legal profession in Azerbaijan.

Released on Dec 31, 2017

Law Student Conference: Young Lawyers and the Future of Human Rights in Azerbaijan

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) engaged with young lawyers to discuss the challenges faced by human rights advocates across Azerbaijan.

Released on Dec 31, 2017

IBAHRI condemns Azerbaijan police crackdown on LGBTQ+ community

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) responds to alleged detention of 60 people believed to be LGBTQ+ in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Released on Dec 31, 2017

Kazakhstani lawyers present statements to the OSCE, facilitated by the IBAHRI

The lawyers addressed the potentially disastrous implications of the draft Law on Advocates’ Activities and Legal Aid, among other matters concerning the independence of the legal profession.

Released on Dec 31, 2017

Conference on the Status of Legal Profession

As the bill drafted by the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan raises serious concerns with regard to the independence of legal profession, IBAHRI decided to host a conference to discuss the current situation and the reforms that would actually be needed.

Released on Dec 31, 2017

Necessary Reforms Gone Wrong? The IBAHRI and ICJ host side-event to SHDM on threats to the legal profession in Kazakhstan

The event responded to the draft Law on Advocates’ Activities and Legal Aid as well as other barriers faced by legal professionals in Kazakhstan.

Released on Nov 30, 2017

Kazakhstani Lawyer Contributes to Civil Society Recommendations For OSCE, Facilitated by the IBAHRI

The recommendations compiled in the Vienna Declaration concerned the protection of human rights in security measures such as counterterrorism and anti-radicalisation.

Released on Nov 30, 2017

IBAHRI calls on Azerbaijan Bar Association to reinstate human rights lawyer immediately

News Release: Thursday 23 November 2017. The International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) calls on the Bar Association of the Republic of Azerbaijan to reinstate human rights lawyer Yalchin Imanov immediately and cancel all disciplinary proceedings against him. Mr Imanov was disbarred on Monday 20 November, seemingly as a direct consequence of carrying out his professional duties.

Released on Nov 23, 2017

IBAHRI calls on President Trump to re-evaluate administration’s stance on human rights

News Release: Friday 6 October 2017. In an open letter to President Donald Trump, signed by Baroness Helena Kennedy and Ambassador (ret) Hans Corell – former United Nations Legal Counsel and Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs – the Co-Chairs of the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) call on President Trump to ‘re-evaluate [his] administration’s stance towards human rights, the judicial system and the rule of law’, and to openly commit to these principles at home and..

Released on Oct 6, 2017

Tajik lawyers engage in advocacy and networking at the HDIM, facilitated by the IBAHRI

The lawyers held meetings with several international organisations and potential partners to discuss the situation of the legal profession in Tajikistan.

Released on Sep 30, 2017

IBAHRI programme lawyer appears on panel to discuss situation faced by LGBTQ+ persons in Russia

IBAHRI Programme Lawyer Jurate Guzeviciute discussed the international mechanisms available to address the alleged violations of LGBTQ+ persons’ rights in Chechnya. The panel was a side-event to the OSCE’s 2017 HDIM.

Released on Sep 30, 2017

UN UPR shadow report on Russia submitted by the IBAHRI

In the report, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) resolutely condemns laws against ‘gay propaganda’ and links to spike in anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes.

Released on Sep 30, 2017

Criminal Justice in Tajikistan: the IBAHRI Holds Trainings for Local Lawyers

The trainings held in Khujand and Dushanbe promoted discussion and critical thinking on matters such as the protection of the rights of participants in criminal proceedings.

Released on Sep 30, 2017

IBAHRI condemns LGBTQ+ ‘registry’ in Tajikistan

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) responds to Tajik Prosecutor-General’s announcement of LGBTQ+ registry.

Released on Sep 29, 2017

IBAHRI oral statement on South Africa to the at the 36th Session of the Human Rights Council

On 25 September 2017, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) delivered an oral statement to the 36th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council as part of the Universal Periodic Review on South Africa.

Released on Sep 22, 2017

IBAHRI oral statement on Poland to the at the 36th Session of the Human Rights Council

On 22 September 2017, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) delivered an oral statement to the 36th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council as part of the Universal Periodic Review on Poland.

Released on Sep 22, 2017

IBAHRI oral statement on Myanmar to the at the 36th Session of the Human Rights Council

On 19 September 2017, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) delivered an oral statement to the 36th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council as part of an interactive dialogue with the Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar.

Released on Sep 19, 2017

Young Myanmar lawyers to attend the IBA Annual Conference in Sydney

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) is delighted to inform that eleven talented young Myanmar lawyers have been selected as recipients of the IBA Developing Bar Programme Award to attend the IBA Annual Conference, which will take place in Sydney, Australia, from 8 to 13 October 2017.

Released on Aug 7, 2017

Joint letter to President Mugabe of Zimbabwe raises concern over Constitution Amendment Bill

A joint letter was sent to the President of Zimbabwe on the 3rd of August, calling on him to veto a bill proposing changes to judicial appointments that would undermine the independence of the judiciary and threaten the rule of law in Zimbabwe.

Released on Aug 3, 2017

IBAHRI calls on Venezuelan government to respect and protect human rights

News release: Friday 28 July 2017. As the political crisis deepens in Venezuela, the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) calls on the country's government to protect human rights and the independence of the judiciary, maintain the rule of law and ensure all in Venezuela have equal access to justice.

Released on Jul 28, 2017

IBAHRI pide al gobierno venezolano que respete y proteja los derechos humanos

Comunicado de prensa: viernes 28 de julio de 2017. A medida que se profundiza la crisis política en Venezuela, el International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute [Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Asociación Internacional de Abogados o IBAHRI] pide al gobierno venezolano que proteja los derechos humanos y la independencia del poder judicial, mantenga el estado de derecho y garantice acceso a la justicia a todos los venezolanos.

Released on Jul 28, 2017

IBAHRI oral statement to the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar at the 35th Session of the Human Rights Council

On 14 June 2017, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) delivered an oral statement to the 35th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council as part of an interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar.

Released on Jun 14, 2017

IBAHRI oral statement to the Special Rapporteur on Syria at the 35th Session of the Human Rights Council

On 14 June 2017, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) delivered an oral statement to the 35th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council as part of an interactive dialogue with the Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic.

Released on Jun 14, 2017

IBAHRI calls for UN inquiry into alleged human rights violations of Chechen men

News Release: Friday 19 May 2017. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has called upon the members of the United Nations Committee against Torture (UNCAT) to instigate an inquiry into claims that 100 men have been detained and tortured in a secret prison in Chechnya on account of their real or suspected sexual orientation. Three of the detainees are reported to have been killed.

Released on May 19, 2017

Torture prevention in Mexico: Building the capacity of the legal profession

For four years the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has been working with the Mexican legal profession on capacity building for torture prevention. Visiting the states of Nuevo León, Ciudad de México, Oaxaca, Veracruz and Estado de Mexico, we brought together judges, lawyers, public defenders and prosecutors for them to gain a better understanding of their responsibility in the prevention and prosecution of torture and ill or degrading treatment.

Released on Mar 9, 2017

Prevención de la tortura en México: Capacitando a la profesión legal

De la mano de la profesión legal mexicana, el International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) lleva cuatro años trabajando en el fortalecimiento de capacidades para la prevención y administración de justicia en casos de tortura y otros tratos o penas crueles, inhumanos o degradantes.

Released on Mar 9, 2017

IBAHRI welcomes High Court order against South Africa’s exit from the ICC

News release: Friday 24 February 2017. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) welcomes the ruling by South Africa’s North Gauteng High Court ordering the Government to revoke its notice of withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Released on Feb 24, 2017

IBAHRI decries fatal shooting of prominent lawyer U Ko Ni in Myanmar and calls for an investigation

News release: Tuesday 31 January 2017. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) strongly condemns the killing of prominent Muslim lawyer U Ko Ni in Myanmar on Sunday 29 January 2017, and has called on the country’s authorities to carry out a thorough and impartial investigation into the slaying of long-time legal adviser to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy (NLD).

Released on Jan 31, 2017

O IBAHRI exorta as profissões jurídicas no Brasil a trabalharem pela melhoria das condições prisionais

COMUNICADO À IMPRENSA: sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2017. Diante das rebeliões ocorridas em presídios de Manaus e Roraima no Brasil, os quais resultaram na morte de cerca de 100 pessoas e na fuga de diversos presos, o Instituto de Direitos Humanos da International Bar Association (IBAHRI), exorta as profissões jurídicas do país a trabalharem com urgência pela melhoria das condições das prisões e pela criação de ambientes nos quais os direitos humanos dos presos e servidores do sistema prisional sejam respe

Released on Jan 13, 2017